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South Dakota Native Home Ownership Coalition

GROW SD, as Intermediary of a Rural Community Development Initiative (RCDI) grant, supports the efforts of the South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition and commits staff and resources to implement technical assistance, training and capacity building.  The coalition is designed to increase sustainability and individual effectiveness of the sub-recipients with the ultimate goal of increasing homeownership opportunities for Native Americans in the State of South Dakota. SDNHOC Partners Include: Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation, South Dakota Housing Development Authority, Neighborworks Dakota Home Resources, Mazaska Owecaso Otipi Financial Inc., Four Bands Community Fund, Wild Horse Butte Community Development Corporation, Oglala Sioux Tribe Partnership for Housing Inc, Lakota Fund Inc, and the Sisseton Wahpeton Housing Authority. 

Category: Community

GROW SD offers emergency services in the following South Dakota counties:  Beadle, Brown, Campbell, Day, Edmunds, Faulk, Hand, Hughes, Hyde, McPherson, Marshall, Potter, Roberts, Spink, Stanley, Sully, and Walworth. Please read each statement and select the application that best fits your needs.RENTAL HOUSEHOLDS. **Have you been financially...
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These resources are a tool for additional information.  These will direct you to websites other than GROW SD, we do not offer assistance with these websites.  
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GROW South Dakota built and renovated two schools with two additional schools in progress to meet a critical education need for underserved populations in distressed areas of South Dakota. The project used an innovative financial structure by creating Limited Liability Companies (LLC) that utilized New...
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GROW South Dakota

GROW South Dakota
104 Ash Street East
Sisseton, SD  57262
Phone (605) 698-7654
Fax (605) 698-3038