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The importance of Business and Housing Education in South Dakota

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

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Business and housing education are crucial for individuals and communities in South Dakota, USA. With the proper education and resources, individuals can make informed decisions regarding homeownership and financial management, leading to long-term stability and growth. Here, we shall explore the importance of business and housing education in South Dakota and the services offered by GROW South Dakota.

Education is key for prospective homeowners

For individuals looking to become homeowners, education is key. Homeownership is a significant investment, and home purchasing should not be taken lightly. By receiving pre-purchase counseling, individuals can better understand the home-buying process and the financial responsibilities that come with homeownership. This can include learning about mortgage options, credit scores, and the importance of a stable income. GROW South Dakota offers one-on-one pre-purchase counseling sessions to provide individuals with the information and resources they need to make informed decisions about homeownership.

In addition to pre-purchase counseling, GROW South Dakota offers rental counseling services. Rental counseling can be an excellent option for individuals not yet ready for homeownership. By receiving counseling, individuals can learn about their rights and responsibilities as renters and how to manage their finances and credit to prepare for future homeownership. This education can help individuals become more financially stable and better prepared to enter the housing market when ready.

Updating financial management skills: Crucial for business owners at all levels of life

Financial management is also a critical aspect of business and housing education. Many individuals struggle with managing their finances, leading to debt and financial instability. Through financial management education, individuals can learn how to create a budget, save money, and manage their credit. This education can benefit individuals at any stage, from those just starting out to those nearing retirement. GROW South Dakota offers individual financial management counseling to help individuals gain control of their finances and plan for a stable financial future.

Furthermore, businesses in South Dakota can also benefit from education and resources. By receiving business education, entrepreneurs and business owners can learn how to start and grow their businesses successfully. This education can include business planning, marketing, financial management, and access to capital. GROW South Dakota offers business education and technical assistance to help individuals and businesses achieve their goals.

GROW South Dakota: Offering a range of services in business and housing education 

Overall, business and housing education is essential for individuals and communities in South Dakota. Individuals can make informed decisions about homeownership, financial management, and business ownership by receiving education and resources. GROW South Dakota is a HUD-approved Housing Counseling Agency and Housing Education Resource Organization (HERO) that offers various services, including pre-purchase and rental counseling, financial management, and business education. Contact GROW South Dakota today to schedule your confidential one-on-one counseling session and start on the path to financial stability and growth.


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A Half-Century of Serving South Dakotans

In 1978, NESDCAP created the Northeast South Dakota Economic Corporation (NESDEC) as a revolving loan fund to focus on small business lending and job creation in 22 counties. In 2007, Grow South Dakota, was formed to provide housing, community and economic development statewide. Through services to individuals, technical assistance to community and economic development agencies, and loans to small businesses and homebuyers, GROW South Dakota has had broad and lasting impact.

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GROW South Dakota

GROW South Dakota
104 Ash Street East
Sisseton, SD  57262
Phone (605) 698-7654
Fax (605) 698-3038